Be Happy (学英语)

Red is for love 红色是情爱

Let you love shine 让她放光彩。

Orange is for hope 橙色

Dream you dream 放飞心中的

Yellow is for happiness 黄色

Create it in you soul 产生在的深处

Green is for trust 绿色

Trust yourself 自己的忠贞

Blue is for truth 蓝色是真理

Live you inner truth 发自你的心底

Indigo is for freedom 靛蓝

Take responsibility for yourself 请用去守侯

Violet is for respect 紫色是尊敬

Toward everybody you meet. 面对芸芸众生

And so you create your own cercle of colors to see a Rianbow 创造自己的缤纷彩虹

Hear and feel the sounds of each color 感受属于你的多彩

Write your own symphony 书写自己的的乐章

And share it with the World 同世上的人们共同分享

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